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econsciousness blog

Why Choose Hemp?

Why Choose Hemp?

Good for the Planet Hemp is a low maintenance crop which requires few chemical inputs during the growing season. It shows great adaptability to various climatic conditions and requires no pesticides, herbicides, or irrigation water. Once established, hemp is resilient, competing against many weeds; it is not subject to common pests or diseases, and therefore, does not require pesticide application. Due to its extensive root system, hemp can contribute to reducing soil loss and erosion and is suitable for crop rotation (following potatoes and legumes and preceding both root crops and cereal grains). Because the leaves and outer stalks are...

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Why Recycled Polyester?

Why Recycled Polyester?

In the US alone 51 billion plastic bottles are used every year...

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Why does choosing Organic Cotton make a difference?

Why does choosing Organic Cotton make a difference?

40% of worldwide textile production uses cotton, but less than one percent of all cotton grown is organic.

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How to Build an Ethical Closet

How to Build an Ethical Closet

The best step towards building a more ethical, responsible wardrobe is to always try to abide by the “5 Rs”

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